Emigration #3, 1853; Ostheim to Long Grove, Illinois
The third brother of four siblings to emigrate was a 46 year old laborer named Jacques (aka Johann, Jacob) Barbaras. He left Ostheim, France with two daughters and two sons; landed in New York City in 1853; and joined his brother Jacob (1845), brother George (1847), and sister Barbara (1847) in Long Grove, Illinois. My great-grandfather left Ostheim 20 years later but remained secretive about his origins throughout his life and we did not learn of the other American Barbarases until 1992. It was then that a French researcher, Guy Barbaras, gave us the phone number of a then living descendant, Mildred Barbaras Sterns. I had a number of delightful telephone conversations with Mildred before her death in 1996 and it was the information that she generously sent me that became the foundation of my research efforts in the U.S.